열정 야매자료실

20가지 무료 프리미엄 Tumblr 테마

Tumblr 사용 많이 하시나요?

WordPress와 같이 테마를 변경하여 개성에 맞게 변형하여 사용할 수 있는 미니 블로그. 사용이 워낙 편리해 많은 사람들이 사용하고 있습니다.

아래 20가지 테마를 적용하여 개성에 맞는 블로그를 만들어 보세요.

Free Tumblr Themes


A minimal theme with Postcard as the main background.

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Photo Stack

A Perfect theme to showcase your Photography skills.

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A dark theme with beautiful content display.

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The Minimalist

As the name suggests, its the Minimalist theme.

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Cargo Theme

A must have theme to showcase your portfolio.

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An Amazing theme loved by people.

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A Minimal theme with loely color combination.

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Rubber Cement

Wonderful theme with blue background.

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Field Notes

A simple and refrehing theme.

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Fullscreen Portfolio

A lovely theme to showcase your portfolio.

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Left sided theme with striking color contrast.

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Truly great tumblr theme.

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Terry Green Machine Theme

Lovely white and green theme.

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A Minimal theme with orange background.

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An attention seeker theme.

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Doesn’t this theme reminds you of your schoolhood days.

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Fullscreen Photo Blog

A theme specially for Photographers.

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iPad Interface Theme

As the name suggests its an iPad interface theme.

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Royal Ribbon

A retro theme with charming background.

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Royal Cameleon

A lovely theme with retro touch.

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