[FREE] 60가지 퀄리티 좋은 무료 PSD 파일

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시간은 없고 처리해야 할 디자인 작업은 넘쳐나는 야근열매 먹고있는 디자이너에게 추천합니다.

아래 파일들은 디자인 초보에겐 너무나 배울게 많고 활용이 편리한 PSD 파일입니다.

60여개의 PSD 파일에는 인터페이스 디자인, 버튼, 메뉴, 아이콘과 특별한 디자인까지 포함되어 있습니다.

Kb’s Designer Pack #2

kb designer pack 2 60 Most Wanted Design Freebies of The Year 2011

Pricing Tables

pricing tables 60 Most Wanted Design Freebies of The Year 2011

Sexy Calendar

sexy calendar 60 Most Wanted Design Freebies of The Year 2011

Simple Chart (dots)

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Notification Rounded

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Awesome Tags

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Review & Rating Stars

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Shiny Little Map Pins

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Shiny On/Off Indicators

shiny on off indicators 60 Most Wanted Design Freebies of The Year 2011

Clean On/Off Switches

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On/Off Switches And Toggles

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Sliding Twitter & Facebook Counter

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Marketplace/Social Networking Buttons

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Social Sharing Button Count Design

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Transparent Tooltips

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Profile Tooltips

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Tooltip Typo

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Sweet Navigation

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Simple Light Navigation

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Simple Navigation Menu

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Menu Notification Badges

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Paper Post

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Visitor Survey and Results

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Clean Minimalistic Portfolio Snap

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Blog Post Item

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Textured Alerts

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Simple To-do

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Light Dropdown Menu

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Notepaper & Sticky Tape

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Picture Frame

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Web Shadows

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Login Modal Box

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Subscribe to Newsletter Modal Box

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Newsletter Form

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Newsletter Box

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Pretty Little Folded Ribbon

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Stylish Web Ribbons

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Curled date ribbon

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Blue Featured Ribbon

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Video Player

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Video Player Template

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Dark Mini Music Player

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Circular Progress Bars

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Progress Bar

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Minimal Loading Bars

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White iPhone 4

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Camera Icon

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Paper Airplane With A Note

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Mail Icon

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Calendar Icon

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The Cloud

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Color palette Icon

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Dropbox Icon

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Icon Template

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Photoshop Tools Icons

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Tiny Icons

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Administrator Login Panel

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Lightbox Upload Panel

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Black User Interface

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Shiny Blue UI

A Couple More:

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Milk UI Kit

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UI 2

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UI Kit

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Author: 장 정우

FBML.co.kr은 중/소기업에서 소셜미디어 마케팅 및 온라인 마케팅을 하시는 분들에게 쉽게 사용 가능한 자료를 제공하고 있습니다.